Bruce Feder
Kato, Feder & Suzuki, LLP
Bruce Feder
Kato, Feder & Suzuki, LLP

Partner Bruce A. Feder is a graduate of the University of Pacific McGeorge School of Law. Prior to founding the firm, Mr. Feder was managing attorney at Legal Assistance to the Elderly in San Francisco. He is a founding member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and is a member of the State Bar of California Legal Services Section. He is a panel attorney for the Family Caregiver Alliance in San Francisco, which supports families of brain injured individuals. He conducts numerous presentations and courses for private conservators, the Statewide Association of Court Investigators, the American Society on Aging, Mt. Zion Institute on Aging, California Continuing Education of the Bar (CEB), and other organizations.
Firm Description
Kato, Feder & Suzuki, LLP provides a broad range of services in the areas of estate planning and elder law, including:
Estate Planning -- Planning for heirs while minimizing tax and probate expenses through the use of trusts, wills, gifts, joint ownership of property, and family limited partnerships.
Advance Directives-- Structuring Durable Powers of Attorney and Advance Health Care Directives to maximize independence and assure appropriate care.
Special Needs Trusts – Providing for those with special needs while protecting access to public benefits through trusts tailored to a beneficiary’s particular needs.
Decedent's Estates -- Administering trusts and estates to transfer a decedent's property in an expeditious and economic manner.
Conservatorships -- Representing clients to establish, terminate or modify conservatorships.
Public Benefits Programs -- Planning for eligibility for public benefits such as Medi-Cal while preserving resources.
Please contact this special needs planner for firm hours by clicking here.Cost
Please contact this special needs planner for more information about fees by clicking here.What Is a Special Needs Planner?
Bruce Feder
Kato, Feder & Suzuki, LLP
Partner Bruce A. Feder is a graduate of the University of Pacific McGeorge School of Law. Prior to founding the firm, Mr. Feder was managing attorney at Legal Assistance to the Elderly in San Francisco. He is a founding member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and is a member of the State Bar of California...