Michelle Humphres
Law Office of Michelle Rogers Humphres, PLLC
Michelle Humphres
Law Office of Michelle Rogers Humphres, PLLC

Michelle Humphres opened her law practice with the goal of providing comprehensive, personalized Will and Estate Planning at an affordable cost. Shortly after opening her practice, she had the opportunity to help a family whose child has special needs with their estate planning. Since then, she has enjoyed assisting families with special needs planning and it has become a core part of her practice. Today, she remains committed to coming along side her clients in the process of developing and implementing their personal estate plan to meet their future needs and the needs of their loved ones.
Firm Description
The Law Office of Michelle Rogers Humphres, PLLC is a client centered law practice dedicated to helping you create and implement a personalized special needs plan to meet your future needs and the needs of your loved ones with special needs. Our primary goal is to ensure your peace of mind concerning the decisions related to your health care, personal care and finances and the care and security of your loved ones. Understanding your goals, concerns and wishes are of foremost importance in reaching this goal.
We look forward to serving you and your family!
Please contact this special needs planner for firm hours by clicking here.Cost
What Is a Special Needs Planner?
Michelle Humphres
Law Office of Michelle Rogers Humphres, PLLC
Michelle Humphres opened her law practice with the goal of providing comprehensive, personalized Will and Estate Planning at an affordable cost. Shortly after opening her practice, she had the opportunity to help a family whose child has special needs with their estate planning. Since then, she has enjoyed assisting fa...