An Introduction to ABLE Accounts
ABLE accounts are a game-changer for families with special needs, but there has been confusion about how they work. Here are answers to basic questions about what ABLE accounts can and can't accomplish.
Read moreABLE accounts are a game-changer for families with special needs, but there has been confusion about how they work. Here are answers to basic questions about what ABLE accounts can and can't accomplish.
Read moreA special needs trust is a legal document designed to help people with disabilities. It permits them to have funds that enhance their quality of life - without making them ineligible for public benefits.
Read moreABLE accounts are a great new savings tool for individuals with disabilities, but not all people with disabilities are eligible to open these accounts. ...
Read moreIf your child receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits and is turning 18, you should talk with your special needs planner about important changes that could significantly impact your child's SSI benefit.
Read moreIn case you haven't thought of checking in with your special needs planner in a while, here are five events that should trigger an immediate call to your attorney. ...
Read moreWhen your child reaches adolescence, you may realize that radically different benefits will soon replace many services on which your child has long relied.
Read moreMany people with special needs choose to live in group homes or supportive housing with other people with special needs.
Read moreIn many cases, employees must pay for much-needed care for a dependent relative so that they can continue to work. If this situation sounds familiar, you may qualify for a little-known, but significant tax benefit.
Read moreCarve out a bit of time out to cross off one to-do item that will be key to the future of your child with special needs.
Read moreLocal Special Needs Planners in Your, City
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