Feds Bolster Protections Against Disability Discrimination
In May 2024, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and its Office for Civil Rights published a final rule strengthening protections for people with disabilities.
Read moreIn May 2024, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and its Office for Civil Rights published a final rule strengthening protections for people with disabilities.
Read moreThe Social Security Administration has published a final rule simplifying and expanding its rental subsidy program for Supplemental Security Income that is likely to allow more people to qualify for benefits.
Read moreWhen applying for SSDI, many people want to know upfront how much they will be eligible to receive in benefits each month. An individual on a fixed income who can’t work because of a disability needs this information to ensure...
Read moreArtificial intelligence is helping those with disabilities overcome challenges to participate more actively in society, education, and the workforce. Government benefits can help people pay for assistive technology.
Read moreTwice exceptional students are a unique group. They are gifted students with disabilities who typically excel in certain subjects but may struggle or be at grade level in others. ...
Read moreIn looking at SSI, if I live in a camper on family land and there is no rent, how will that affect my benefits?...
Read moreI would like to give my sister Power of Attorney (POA) over my personal bank account. My sister is on SSI. I am the trustee of her Special Needs Trust. She would not have POA or access to the trust...
Read moreI am receiving $1,960 per month on SSDI. I am using my 85-year-old father's Honda. (I have a rusted, unsafe to drive 1995 Jeep Wrangler that I am scrapping for $500.) When Dad passes, I get the 2017 Honda CR-V and between $20,000 and $40,000 from his...
Read moreDoes a court-appointed legal guardian over an adult with mental illness have any say regarding the medications their ward is being treated with in a court-ordered hospitalization in a state hospital?...
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